Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon

In today's digital age, the act of creating is often intertwined with the act of sharing. Austin Kleon's Show Your Work! delves deep into this concept, emphasizing the importance of showcasing your process, not just the final product. Here's my reflection on this great read.

The core message

Kleon's book can be distilled into two main points:

1. Share your journey - the highs, the lows, the in-betweens. It humanizes you and lets people see the person behind the creation.

2. You don't need to be an expert to start sharing. There's always someone out there who will find value in your work.

My journey with the book

I stumbled upon Show Your Work! through a video by Ali in 2021. Initially, I wasn't entirely convinced about its relevance to me. But as I delved deeper into product management and inbound marketing for my startup, I realized the importance of documenting my learning journey. This book became my guide, dispelling my fears and doubts, and pushing me to share without reservations.

If you're:

  • Curious about the power of documentation
  • Hesitant about starting your writing journey due to fear of criticism, or
  • Simply looking for validation that your work is worth sharing

then you should dive in as this book is for you.

Reading "Show Your Work!" led to several revelations. Firstly, it reinforced the importance of sharing my work. Next, it alleviated my fears of criticism. Finallly, it introduced me to the concept of 'scenius' and the compound effect of documenting work.

Pearls of wisdom

Some standout quotes from the book include:

  • “By putting things out there, consistently, you can form a relationship with your customers. It allows them to see the person behind the products.”
  • “Reading about people who are dead now and did things with their lives makes me want to get up and do something decent with mine. Thinking about death every morning makes me want to live.”
  • A common excuse many give is, “I don’t have enough time.” The solution? Seek it out, find the time, and halt the excuses.

Key insights

Embrace the new paradigm: in today's world, merely creating isn't enough. You need to be discoverable. Think of your work as an ongoing process and share it in a way that resonates with others.

The power of scenius: move away from the lone genius myth. Embrace 'scenius' - a collective form of genius arising from a community of creatives. Everyone can contribute, regardless of expertise.

The process or journey over goal or product: sharing your journey, including the failures and successes, fosters a deeper connection with your audience. It's about being genuine and letting people into your world.

Overcoming fears: embrace vulnerability. The fear of criticism shouldn't deter you from sharing. Remember, every piece of content can be a stepping stone to growth.

The art of storytelling: good stories captivate. Whether it's your personal journey, a product's evolution, or a lesson learned, framing it as a story makes it relatable and engaging.

Teaching as a form of sharing: sharing your knowledge isn't just about showcasing what you know. It's about teaching, guiding, and helping others on their journey.

Navigating criticism: with visibility comes criticism. Learn to differentiate between constructive feedback and mere negativity. Use the former to grow and ignore the latter.

The value of persistence: The creative journey is filled with ups and downs. The key is to persist, share consistently, and always be ready to begin anew.

Show Your Work! isn't just a guide to sharing; it's a manifesto for modern creators. In a world where everyone has a platform, what sets you apart is not just what you create, but how you share it. Embrace the journey, share your process, and watch as the world connects with your work in ways you never imagined.